How often to take CBD

How Often To Take Your CBD

Author: Nicole Gleichmann

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CBD Can Help You Be Your Best Self

With CBD quickly rising to be the go-to natural health remedy for many people, CBD is still very new and many people don’t know how to incorporate it into their daily life. The biggest question is “how do I take CBD” and also “how much CBD do I take” and lastly “how often to take CBD”. However, with CBD, it isn’t as easy as providing a single answer for everyone since just like many other medicines, the dosage, and strengths depending on the individual and their needs. 


Many people use CBD to help with all sorts of issues such as sleep disorders, pain, anxiety and much more. There are many factors to take into consideration when deciding on the correct dosage to take. Some factors include age, sex, weight, genetics, which issue/disorder, and the severity of such issue/disorder. Other medications also come into consideration since although CBD should not alter the effects of other medications when taken in extreme dosages for chronic issues, CBD can alter how other pharmaceuticals are absorbed in the body. 


Finding the correct CBD dosage for you may sound intimidating but the good news is that CBD is an incredibly safe and virtually risk-free therapy. So in this article, we will break down the typical common dosage amounts used by the majority of users and also, how to determine how much CBD you should take. 

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How do you take CBD oil

The most popular method of use for CBD is through an oil tincture. Many people prefer using a tincture since all it is a very simple and efficient method of delivery. Placing a tincture under the tongue causes the oil to absorb directly into the bloodstream resulting in fast and instant relief. 


However, there are many different ways to take CBD. The most common ways are by a tincture, vaporizer, edible, or topical. Some may argue that the vaporizer is a faster and easier way to take CBD but with a vaporizer, the cannabinoids have to go through a different mode of delivery which is less efficient than a tincture. With a tincture, the cannabinoids go directly into the bloodstream from the capillaries under the tongue and bypass the entire digestive route.


A very important thing to note when searching for the right CBD product is to make sure if you are going to vape CBD that you get a vape specific juice. It is very easy to mistake a tincture for a vape juice since they come in very similar packaging but it is important to realize that tinctures and vape juices are very different. Vape juice has CBD that has been extracted and produced specifically for inhalation whereas a tincture has been produced to be placed under the tongue and be swallowed.


No matter if you are using a tincture, vaping, consuming an edible, or using a topical, it is very important to keep track of exactly how much CBD you are using at all times.

take CBD oil under the tongue

How much CBD oil should you take?

This is the most asked question among people wanting to bring CBD into their lives but unfortunately, the answer is not so simple. As discussed prior, CBD dosage is unique to every individual and depends on a variety of factors. The best way to figure out exactly what is the best solution for your needs, is recommended to speak to a healthcare professional. If you are purchasing CBD at a professional healthcare center, do not be afraid to ask questions. 


We understand that everyone does not have direct access to healthcare professionals especially in the cannabis industry. So down below we have some general dosage guidelines to help serve as a benchmark for future CBD use.


 Please keep in mind that these are general guidelines and not guaranteed dosage for your personal needs. Please consult a healthcare professional for your specific needs. 

CBD Dosing

For most people just bringing CBD into their lives, it is best to start with smaller doses and go up from there. The majority of CBD users find that anywhere from 10-20mg doses is enough to bring effective relief to a wide variety of issues. Some users may even find relief with as little at 1-3mg per day. Either way, it is best to start with under 20mg and if you find that you are not getting the results you were hoping for, you can always gradually up your dosage. A very common way that most people take CBD is by simply taking a dose in the morning and then another dose around 12 hours later in the evening. This schedule should provide sufficient all-day relief. 


You want to start with a small dosage to ensure that you are not taking more than needed and to help with finding the proper dosage for your needs. For patients dealing with anxiety or depression, the average starting point will be around 1-3mg of CBD. For patients dealing with acute or chronic pain, the average starting point will be around 5mg. 


Keep in mind these are not the final dosage amounts for every person but just some general starting dosages that work for the majority of new users. 


One thing to keep in mind is how the CBD is affecting you. If after your morning dose you do not get the results you were hoping for, you can up the dosage a few milligrams in the evening and see if you find more relief. It is also a good idea to keep track of how long the CBD effects last for you. If you find the effects lasting all day then you may not have to take 2 doses daily and just a 1-morning dose may be enough and vice versa if you find that 2 doses are not helping you for the whole day.


So for pain, CBD doses typically range in the 10-20mg and for different issues such as anxiety or depression, smaller doses are more appropriate. Since dosage amounts are unique to each individual, it is very important to pay close attention to how CBD affects you. 

How much CBD is in a single serving​

Since many CBD tinctures come in bottles with a measurement dropper tool, it is very easy to calculate how much CBD is in each drop. For the majority of CBD tinctures, one serving will be one squeeze of the dropper tool which should equal 1ml. The label on the bottle should tell you how much CBD is in each serving. However, if the label does not show how much CBD is in each serving, here is how you can calculate that amount: 

[Total CBD in Bottle] ÷ [Number Of mL In Bottle] = Total milligrams (mg) CBD in Dropper For Example, lets say you have a 30 mL CBD Tincture with 1500 mg of CBD

1500 ÷ 30 = 50 mg of CBD in Dropper

Each product will have specific instructions for use but generally, when using tinctures you will place the oil under the tongue for 60-90 seconds for full absorption then swallow (Please note each product is different and will have specific instructions on the bottle). 

how many mg are there in CBD Oil ?


Determining the proper CBD dosage can be a very complex thing. Just like any other medication, there are many factors that tie into figuring out how much CBD is right for you. By figuring out what issue you want CBD to help provide relief for, you can narrow down which method and dosage are best suited for your needs. We hope the information above gave you a general understanding of some guidelines to follow when deciding how much CBD to start with. Lastly, in order to find the perfect solution to your needs, it is best to contact a healthcare professional to get a custom-tailored CBD dosage for your specific needs.


This article is explaining how to use CBD only and NOT THC. All methods and dosage amounts are based on CBD use ONLY. THC dosages may vary and should NOT use the same measurements as explained below. Please consult a medical professional for a personalized solution to your needs.



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