Does Delta 8 Show Up on a Drug Test?

Author: Ivan Kan

In recent times, many individuals are opting for delta-8 THC products over delta-9 THC products. Cannabis plants are rich in various cannabinoids, each offering unique effects on the human body. Among these, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the most well-known.

While delta-9 THC is the predominant form of THC in cannabis, delta-8 THC is also present in smaller quantities. Both delta-9 and delta-8 THC are intoxicating, meaning they can produce a high.

Despite the lack of federal regulation on delta-8 THC, many states have imposed restrictions. These regulations either specifically target delta-8 THC or broadly restrict synthetic cannabinoids, which often include delta-8 THC.

So what’s the answer?

The short answer is yes, Delta 8 THC can appear on a drug test if taken too close to your test date. The All Rise Treatment Court Institute advises against using delta-8 THC if you are subject to drug testing, not only because it exists in a legal gray area but also due to potential contamination with delta-9 THC.

Impure delta-8 products may contain delta-9 THC, and even pure delta-8 THC can affect your test results. Similar to how courts can restrict poppy seed consumption to prevent false positives for opioids, treatment courts might also ban delta-8 THC.

If you’re seeking a cannabis product that won’t be detected in a drug test, delta-8 THC is not a reliable option.

How Long Can Delta 8 Stay In Your System?

Delta-8 THC can stay in your system for a surprisingly long time. While the effects of delta-8 typically wear off within a few hours, it can be detected in drug tests for up to three months. This detection window varies depending on factors like your metabolism, the amount consumed, and the specific type of drug test used.

Understanding how long a substance remains in your body is essential, especially if you’re concerned about potential drug screenings.

How long delta-8 stays in your system can vary greatly. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as it depends on several factors.

  • Method of consumption: Inhalation (smoking or vaping) generally leads to faster absorption into the bloodstream, resulting in quicker metabolism compared to oral ingestion (eating edibles).
  • Individual factors: Your metabolism plays a crucial role. Factors like age, weight, and overall health can influence how quickly your body processes delta-8.

Urine Test

Urine tests are the most common method for detecting cannabis use. These tests can typically identify traces of cannabis in the body for up to 30 days after consumption.

A 2017 review found that cannabis can be detected in urine for these durations:

  • Occasional Use (Single Use): Up to 3 days
  • Moderate Use (4 times per week): 5-7 days
  • Regular Use (Daily): 10-15 days
  • Heavy Use (Multiple times per day): Over 30 days

To ensure a negative result on a urine drug test, it’s recommended to abstain from delta-8 products for at least ten days, and ideally longer.

Blood test

Blood tests generally show recent cannabis use, typically within the past 2 to 12 hours. However, in individuals who use cannabis frequently and heavily, traces can sometimes be detected in blood up to 30 days after last consumption.

If you haven’t used delta-8 products for over a week, you are likely to pass a blood test.

Saliva test

Saliva tests can detect THC, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. While most individuals will test negative within 24 hours of use, a 2020 review found that frequent cannabis smokers may still have detectable levels of THC in their saliva up to 72 hours after their last use.

Saliva tests are primarily used in roadside screenings for suspected impaired driving. Due to their short detection window, they are less common in workplace drug testing programs.

Hair test

This type of test presents a unique situation. Hair follicle drug tests can detect THC, for up to 90 days after use. This is because THC enters the hair follicles through the bloodstream during and after cannabis use.

While hair follicle tests offer a longer detection window than urine tests, they are less frequently used.

How Long Does Delta 8 Take to Leave Your Body?

Drug tests don’t directly detect THC itself. Instead, they look for THC metabolites, which are breakdown products created by your body after THC use. These metabolites can linger in your system long after the initial effects of THC have worn off. This is why drug tests can often reveal past drug use, even days or weeks after consumption.

Frequent cannabis use can lead to higher levels of THC metabolites accumulating in the body. The higher the concentration of these metabolites, the longer it takes for them to be completely eliminated from the system.

What factors affect how long Delta 8 stays in your system?

While research specifically on delta-8 THC metabolism is still limited, we can draw insights from how delta-9 THC, the primary compound in cannabis, is processed by the body. Many of the same factors that influence how long delta-9 THC remains detectable in the body may also apply to delta-8 THC.

These factors include:

  • Frequency and Volume: More frequent use and higher doses generally lead to longer detection times for delta-8 THC in the body.
  • Metabolism: Your body’s unique metabolism plays a significant role. Just like people metabolize food differently, how quickly your body processes and eliminates delta 8 THC can vary. Individuals with higher metabolisms tend to process delta 8 THC more quickly than those with slower metabolisms. 
  • Method of consumption: Oral consumption of delta 8, such as through edibles or tinctures, may result in slightly longer detection times compared to inhalation.

Facing a Drug Test After Delta-8 Use

Many online forums and delta-8 vendors promote ‘cannabis detox programs’ that claim to speed up the body’s elimination of delta-8 THC. However, there’s currently no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of these programs in passing a drug test.

  • Be cautious of detox programs that involve herbal supplements. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate herbal supplements for quality or purity. Some may contain harmful ingredients or interact negatively with existing medications.
  • It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using any supplements, including those marketed for detoxification.
  • Some detox methods may involve laxatives, which can have potential side effects, including diarrhea and dehydration.
  • Excessive water consumption as part of a detox program can also be dangerous. Overhydration can lead to a serious condition called water intoxication.

Calm by Wellness Delta 8 Gummies

Our Delta 8 Gummies are a unique blend of high quality, hemp health conscious ingredients. These smooth, flavorful gummies provide a calming high of happiness, pain relief, and restfulness. For those new to Delta 8, these gummies contain just 5mg for a smooth, mellow high, perfect for first time users. All you have to do is sit back and relax.

Seeking the benefits of hemp while minimizing THC exposure? Explore CBD products like Calm by Wellness Oil Tinctures and CBD Gummies. While CBD generally does not cause positive drug tests, it’s crucial to avoid any cannabinoid products if you’re subject to drug testing.


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